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Making Health and Safety Work in London

With its wide mix of hi tech and commercial based industries London also support a wealth of industrial and construction businesses, each with its own H&S requirements.

  • Health Hazard Health and Safety Sign Lab Health and Safety - Hazchem specialist COSHH Health and Safety Notice

Support Across London

Health and Safety Works support businesses with Health and Safety in London.

Health and Safety Consultancy London

We provide Health and Safety Consultancy to companies across London. Our particular expertise with Biotech, Food Science, HiTech and Laboratory environments together with office, the building industry and industrial workplaces are ideally suited to London based businesses.

Health and Safety Training London

Our open training courses are run from the centre on the Cambridge Science Park, in easy reach of all local businesses and we also offer Health and Safety training using clients facilities anywhere in London and the surrounding areas.

Health and Safety Projects

Recent Articles

Health & Safety Works Ltd - Ownership Transition Announcement

After 25 successful years Health & Safety Works Ltd is undergoing a change of ownership.

With a mixture of emotions, we announce our founder David Oates, will be retiring on 31st March. Dave will continue to be part of the company, serving as an honorary ​consultant to HSW Ltd. We hope you will all take this opportunity, with us, to wish him all the best in this new chapter.

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Monday 19th September 2022

Following the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we will be closing on September 19th in line with the announced bank holiday, for her majestys funeral. We will be working as normal on Tuesday. Thank you for your service ma'am. 

chartered member of the institute of occupational safety and health, iosh institute of biology registered member and a chartered biologist

Health & Safety Works provide health and safety consultancy, support and training to companies across East Anglia: